Mixed Whole Wheat Bread Club Sandwich
Full of good health If you have tried the whole wheat mixed bread club sandwich. Put low-fat sausage with low-fat cheese. Add vitamins from lettuce and topped with poached egg.

2 Slices of Whole Wheat Bread
Vegetable Salad
Low Fat Sausage (cut in half lengthwise)
1 slice of low-fat cheese
microwave poached egg
Ketchup (low sodium recipe)
Vegetable salad
How to make Mixed Whole Wheat Bread Club Sandwich
1. Place lettuce on the bread. Followed by sausage, cheese and poached egg, topped with tomato sauce of your choice. Put another piece of bread over it.
2. Put into the oven (can use microwave Or grill it on a Teflon pan, it’s delicious too.) Bake just enough for the cheese to melt