Baked Brie Cheese

Baked Brie Cheese is delicious menu for cheese lovers Use Brie cheese which is delicious, soft and smells not strong. Bake the whole piece until it melts. Served with bread, crackers, nuts or nuts. And dried fruit as you like.

Brie is a cheese made from cow’s milk. It is a very soft cheese due to the short maturing time of 5-6 weeks. This is a cheese of French origin. It was named after the region of origin in France for the Brie cheese.
Brie commonly eaten with sweet fruits such as apples, pears, nuts, whole grains, fruit jams, honey, crackers and bread. The French sometimes enjoy brie with champagne, beer, and red wine.

Baked Brie Cheese

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • 1 piece 250 g brie cheese
  • Walnuts, roasted almonds, dried apricots, dried figs, dried cranberries French toast and honey for serving as desired


  1. Use a knife to slice the cheese 3-4 times. Put the cheese in an oven at 200 ° C for 15 minutes until the cheese is soft.
  2. Lifted out on a wooden tray, served with bread, nuts, dried fruits and honey.


  • Slitting the cheese surface will help ventilate it. When baking, the cheese will not break off the sides.
  • If cheese is stored in the refrigerator The cheese should be kept at room temperature until the cheese has cooled. And bake the cheese that comes in a wooden box packed When baking, then remove the wood edges from the cheese.

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